Maintaining glowing and healthy skin requires commitment and a lot of research coupled with some trial and error. This is especially difficult for people with sensitive skin. Be it allergies or hypersensitivity to ingredients and products, having sensitive skin is a hassle. And now that the rainy season is here and the weather has changed, it can cause your sensitive skin to get dry and flaky. Even itchy and extra sensitive. Here are simple and easy-to-follow skin care tips for sensitive skin.
Skin Care Tips for Sensitive Skin
First, know your triggers. This might seem like a no-brainer. But this skin care tip is especially helpful for those with sensitive skin. What causes your skin to be sensitive, itchy, or dry? When do your allergies usually act up? You have to be observant and know what type of environmental conditions, food, and other factors affect your skin. Personally, my skin gets a bit dry during the rainy -ber months. It also gets extra sensitive when I lack sleep. Or when I am stressed.
Second, keep your baths and showers brief. The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA) recommends this. They also recommended cleansing with warm, not hot, water and a gentle cleanser. Do not overclean not over-exfoliate. Make sure to always pat your skin dry with a dry, soft, and clean towel. I recommend using a soft microfiber towel.
Read and Research
Another tip is to buy and use products with caution. Consult a licensed professional. Make sure to know which ingredients you should avoid. Just because something is labeled as hypoallergenic makes it suitable for you. Everyone’s skin care needs are different.
Make sure to read labels and product ingredients. The AADA recommends avoiding deodorant soaps, alcohol-based toners, and products that contain fragrance. These might irritate your sensitive skin.
An important skin care tip for sensitive skin and allergies, read the label and know the ingredients of your laundry detergent, fabric softeners, and other household products.
Related Link: All About Skincare
Make sure also to do a test or trial of new products on a small patch of your skin before you use it on your entire face or body. Just because you are not allergic to its ingredients, does not mean your sensitive skin will not get irritated. Always be cautious.
Cleanse Conscientiously
Buying and using the right products is just one step. Using it properly is another. As mentioned, take short baths and showers. Cleanse well with the right products. And make sure not to tug on your skin too hard nor exfoliate harshly.
And do not forget to wash your hands often. This is important for people who touch their face all the time. Like me. Make sure to wash and sanitize your hands before using or applying any product on your face.
After cleansing or taking a shower, do not forget to moisturize.

I only experienced dry and combination skin a few years ago. I have always had super oily skin. So moisturizing has always been a struggle for me. Most moisturizers feel too sticky for me. But gel, serums, and water based moisturizers have been perfect for me.
Moisturizers for Sensitive Skin
The Neutrogena Hydro Boost is a water-based gel moisturize. It claims to boost your skin’s hydration. Plus, it helps to amplify your skin’s self-hydration. This product is dermatologist-tested. The Hydro Boost is clinically proven to improve skin appearance, specifically translucency, firmness, smoothness, and plumpness. It might be the the perfect moisturizer when your skin feels dry but you are averse to sticky and heavy moisturizers.
I have been personally using Neutrogena products for more than 20 years now. So I am excited to try this product. Get it from this LINK.
Some people neglect to take care of the rest of their skin, other than their face. Some people is me. I do not always moisturize the rest of my skin, just my face. Again, I hate heavy and sticky moisturizers. Growing up, most moisturizers and lotions felt icky to me. And my allergic rhinitis also make me extra sensitive to anything with fragrance.
I am excited to learn about and try the Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion. It claims to be fast absorbing. And it promises to restore the skin’s moisture resulting in softer and healthier skin. This product is clinically shown to help relieve extra-dry skin. Plus, it is fragrance-free and steroid-free. Buy it HERE.
Have you tried these moisturizers? Let me know your feedback. And leave your own recommendations.
Choose Your Makeup Well
Aside from choosing the right skin care products, it is also important to choose your makeup products well. Again, ask your dermatologist for recommendations. Read labels and research. Try on a small patch of skin before using it all over your face.
Also important is storing your makeup products well. Make sure all products and tools are all stored properly so it will not go stale. And sanitize before and after using. If is is beyond the expiry date, do not use and discard. If it has a weird smell, color, or texture, do not use. Make sure to prioritize your skin’s health before applying cosmetics.
Equally important is choosing and using the right makeup removers. Choose one with ingredients that you are not allergic and sensitive to. Remove your makeup thoroughly. And cleanse. Double cleanse, if possible.
Remember to treat your skin with care, always.
Do you have any skin care tips for sensitive skin? Or products for sensitive skin? Drop a comment.
About Neutrogena and Aveeno
NEUTROGENA and AVEENO are brands of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies.
Neutrogena is the #1 dermatologist-recommended skincare brand. It is one of the most popular skincare brands in the world, known for their iconic orange cleanser. Buy Neutrogena from the J&J Store at the Shopee Mall at this LINK.
Aveeno uses natural ingredients and unlocks its powers through scientific advances. They partner with leading health professionals and scientists in the discovery of ACTIVE NATURALS® ingredients. Buy Aveeno from the J&J Store at the Shopee Mall at this LINK.
Have you tried Neutrogena and Aveeno products? Let me know your favorites, feedback, and recommendations.
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American Academy of Dermatology (AADA)